Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Sunshine Blogger Award

Thanks so much to the lovely Silanur @ Aloof Books for nominating us! Y'all should check out her blog, it's amazing!

Silanur has asked 11 questions, which I and Leah are going to answer. Then, we'll ask 11 questions to our nominees. We'll answer alternatively, starting with Leah. :) Alright, let's get started!

1. What are your favorite reads of 2015 so far?
Hmm... I'm gonna have to go with the Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy, A Court of Thorns and Roses, A Darker Shade of Magic, and the Girl of Fire and Thorns trilogy!

2. Where are you from?
New Jersey, U.S.

3. What are your favorite movie(s)?
Another tough one for me! Some of my favorites are: Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit, Amazing Grace, You've Got Mail, and all the Jane Austen movies!

4. Do you watch booktube? If so, who are your favorite booktubers?
I love watching booktube videos! Some of my favorite booktubers are Sasha Alsberg (@abookutopia), Regan (@PeruseProject), Katytastic, and Kassidy Voinche!

5. When did you start blogging, and how did you decide to blog?
Well, I had my own blog, long ago and far away... I made one post and abandoned it due to some conflicting circumstances. Then Shikha asked if I'd like to co-run a blog with her and Nina, and now here I am! :)

6. Do you have any bookish pet peeves? If so, what?
I absolutely hate it when book covers change after the first or second book in the series is released. Most of the times they look worse rather than better.
For example:

The covers of the first two books in this series are so beautiful! But the cover of Shades of Earths doesn't match the rest of the series, and also doesn't look nice on my bookshelf.

7. What are your favorite foods and desserts?
So many! My dad is actually a gourmet chef, so I eat a lot of unique and delicious foods! Some of my favorites are Bolognese ragu, torgianno pizza, and anything and everything chocolate. Some might say that I'm a chocoholic.

8. What book would you recommend to fantasy lovers?
I'd highly recommend Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor! It's such an amazing book. I love it so much! I've only read the first book (I know I'm really bad at finishing series, haha), but I'm looking forward to completing it very soon.

9. Can you speak any other languages?
Pig latin! Haha, kidding, kidding. I know a bit of sign language though, and I'm actually in the process of taking Spanish classes!

10. When is your birthday?
September 30th! Ah, I'm so excited. :D

11. Which books would you want for your birthday?
Oh boy. If I listed them all we might be here for the next decade or so! The top books on my list are the Bloomsbury UK 2014 hardcover edition Harry Potters, the Raven Cycle, hardcover, and The Remnant Chronicles, hardcover as well.

Now here's our questions:

1. How many books do you own?
2. What is your 2015 reading challenge?
3. What is one song you can't get enough of at the moment?
4. If you could read one book again for the first time, what would it be?
5. What five books would you recommend to someone who is new to reading and wants a healthy selection of genres, styles, etc, to choose from?
6. Where do you get most of your reading recommendations from?
7. Who are your top three auto-buy authors?
8. Which finished TV show do you wish could come back?
9. What's the first book you remember loving?
10. What was the last book you ended up hating?
11. What got you into blogging?

We tag:
Cari and Haley @ My Addiction: Books
Britt @ Books by Britt
Brina @ Brina's Books
Top of the Bookshelf

Also YOU! And sorry if you've already done this, then you can just ignore your nomination. :)

1 comment :

  1. Thank you Shikha and Leah sooo much for tagging me! You can check out my post here

    <3 Dee

    poo, I can't make it a link for you! ):
